i can help you


It's time to change your health.

Our nutritionist services can support you through your health challenges. We provide you with unique health care via thorough consultations, blood test interpretation, nutritional analysis, functional testing and ensuring your goals are being met.

You will finally feel heard and understood.

fertility couples consultations

Guiding couples on their fertility journey with personalised consultations, empowering them every step of the way

this is for you if you need help with the following:

intial consultation and 3x follow up consults

Actually understanding what fertility is and when to have sex

Understanding how best to prepare and look after your body while trying for a baby 

You have already been trying so hard but it has not worked for you yet

How to truly understand what your blood tests are telling you, and more importantly, how to improve them

your intial consultation is 1.5 hours on telehealth

pregnancy package 

Supporting and guiding you through each stage for a confident and healthy journey into motherhood


1x 1hr initial consultation plus 3x follow ups assisting in your pregnancy journey

Blood test analysis and interpretation

A treatment plan working towards a healthy and nourished prgenancy

Essential and quality supplementation to assist your pregnancy

preconception package

Unlocking your path to parenthood with our comprehensive preconception package tailored to your unique journey.

what we cover:

Blood test analysis and interpretation 

Custom treatment plan to help achieve a healthy pregnancy

Supplementation, dietary and lifestyle assistance 

Consistent continuity of care to get real results to assist in achieving a pregnancy


blood test interpretation 

You have been told "you're fine"... when actually, you are so not. this will bring clarity to your confusion 


email consultation only

Thorough analysis of your most recent blood tests

Interpretation with a detailed report of your findings

How to rectify issues you are currently facing with your health based upon the blood test results & symptoms

Efficient turn around with 2 business days of blood test recieval

online personal training

Structured online training, tailored to the individual. Working within your goals and needs ensuring satisfaction.

what we cover:

Nutrition advise

Online video communication to ensure correct form and technique

Free recipes

Consistent check-ins via phone, keep you accountable

Injury prevention

Constant messaging & support


hypnobirthing course

This is hands-down the best course for anybody thats wanting to get pregnant!

Most popular





This is hands-down the best course for anybody thats wanting to get pregnant!

Best Value




There is no one answer, however, most couples will conceive in the first 12 months. We like to at least see health improvements in the first 3 months of treatment.

how long does it take to get pregnant?

Food is literally the one thing that fuels your body. It directly impacts your body's ability to conceive. We will educate you on the how and why throughout your journey. 

how can fertility nutrition help me concieve?

Online via our booking system. Pick a free time slot and we can dive straight in.

What is the best way to book in with you?

Yes of course we can always help your health. We love to work WITH your doctor and health team to achieve your goals.

The doctor says I am fine, but I do not feel fine, can you help me?

No not at all, in fact, you may not need them. If we think you need blood tests, we can refer and then analyse and interpret for you.

Do i need blood tests before I book in?

In a perfect world, 3-6 months is the ideal. However, that is not always realistic. It is never too early or too late to begin looking after your health.

How long should I prepare for before conceiving?


You wanna know what really lights my fire?

Work with me


Helping women feel empowered with their health and strive to feel amazing...not just good...amazing!