Let’s chat contraception, but hold the pills and patches, we’re doing this naturally.
When I say natural, I don’t mean any “hippie, woo-woo” strategies. I am talking evidenced-based, science backed contraception that are effective. So let’s dive into the three less conventional, but natural methods of contraception so you can comfortably dive into your intimate life with confidence.

- C-O-N-D-O-M-S – but not the male kind, the female version.
Alright, brace yourselves for the scoop on female condoms – the unsung heroes of contraceptive innovation! Picture this: you’ve got a little something-something called a female condom, and it’s like a sassy, independent bodyguard for your lady parts. Unlike its more mainstream cousin, the male condom, this bad girl slides into your vagina, staying put like a loyal sidekick ready to divert away any unwanted sperm. It’s like your own personal force field, except instead of deflecting laser beams, it’s deflecting sperm. So, while Mr. Sperm is busy knocking on the front door, the female condom is all, “Sorry, we’re not interested,” and slams the door shut. Plus, it’s got this nifty little ring at the end that hangs out on the outside, serving as both an anchor.

- The Spongebob Squarepants Method: Sponge it Up
No, we’re not suggesting you enlist the help of a talking sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea (though that would make for an interesting conversation starter). We’re talking about the contraceptive sponge – a squishy little hero that you insert into your vagina before getting down to business.
Think of it as your own personal bouncer, blocking sperm from crashing the party up in your uterus, kind of like another type of female condom. It’s discreet, it’s reusable, and it’s surprisingly effective. Plus, it comes with none of the side effects that accompany hormonal contraception. Just remember to remove it within 24 hours and give it a good rinse for its next round of duty. Who knew a sponge could be so versatile?

- Feeling hot hot hot – temperature track yourself
Ah, temperature tracking – the art of playing detective with your own body’s thermostat! It’s like being your own personal weather forecaster, except instead of predicting rain or shine, you’re predicting your fertile days with scientific precision. Every morning, before even considering hitting the snooze button, you whip out your trusty thermometer and take a quick dip…in your basal body temperature, that is it. By recording these daily temperature readings, you’re essentially gathering intel on your body’s inner workings. And let’s not forget the thrill of discovering those subtle shifts in temperature that indicate ovulation is on the horizon – it’s like finding buried treasure in your own reproductive system. So, if you’ve ever dreamed of being a fertility detective or just enjoy the idea of turning your morning routine into a scientific experiment, temperature tracking might just be for you.
The best part about all of the above is that you can kind of play mix and match. Temperature track and whilst you’re in your fertile days, use a female condom or a sponge. My go-to non-homornal contraception really is number 3. Not only does it teach us when we’re ovulating, it can also teach us about what our body is trying to communicate to us. Think hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, fertility issues. Yes- temperature tracking can assist with all of it.
If you have no idea where to start with temp tracking, then have no fear… our course is here.
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Sending love
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